

11/13(三) 淺談大數據、BI(商業智慧)technology stack、比傳統資料庫快十倍的架構(分析型資料庫架構)、結構化大數據的解決方案(MPP/SN)、BI案例

演講資料如下, 歡迎蒞臨

時 間:11月13日 星期三1:20 ~ 3:10 p.m.

地 點:工程三館115教室

演講者:Dr. Jonathan Liou 劉邦新博士 (Bizcovery Software, CEO)

講   題:淺談大數據、BI(商業智慧)technology stack、比傳統資料庫快十倍的架構(分析型資料庫架構)、結構化大數據的解決方案(MPP/SN)、BI案例

摘   要:

Big Data is a big buzz word these days. We will go over the Big Data roadmap a little bit. The talk will focus mainly on structure data for analytical purpose. We will show sample architecture of a big data platform for the structure data. We will dig into some details about the components in this platform. Majority of the components are nodes for different functions. We will go over the data node (can be treated as a database) and dig into how we architect it to make it run 10x faster than traditional databases.

As for business intelligence, we will go over the technology stack of BI and the most challenge part of a BI project. We will also show three case studies. One is the largest DW implementation in China and how BONC got it done. The second one is an ETL project in Taiwan and its complexity. The third one is how BI could be used in a MES reporting system which could be beneficial to some companies in the high tech manufacturing industry.

Jonathan Liou 劉邦新。美籍台灣人。東海大學畢業,1984赴美於UL取得碩士學位後於1986年進入SMU博士班就讀。1988年離開SMU到矽谷Zycad公司工作,在EDA領域待了7年後,於1996年進入資料倉庫領域。超過25年的軟體設計、開發、管理、推廣經驗。2008年以後主要待在北京,大數據資料庫方面的研發及推廣工作。

Jonathan目前為Bizcovery Software的CEO、台灣上市公司泰林科技公司獨立董事、吉林省長春工業大學客座教授、及北京東方國信科技股份有限公司首席技術諮詢。