

公告期限: 2019/11/22



Exchange Abroad Fair for AY20/21 (1st Intake)


日期: 2019/11/22 (MON)

時間: 11:00-17:00

地點: 圖書館 Library B1

※請出示學生證參加 Please show your student ID to participate



There are two parts to this fair.


Part One – Booth:

  1. Sweden - Chalmers University of Technology查默斯理工大學
  2. Finland - Hanken School of Economics漢肯經濟學院
  3. Finland - University of Jyvaskyla約瓦斯其拉大學
  4. Singapore - Singapore University of Technology and Design新加坡科技與設計大學
  5. Hong Kong - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology香港科技大學
  6. France - École Polytechnique巴黎綜合理工學院
  7. France - University of Technology of Troyes特魯瓦科技大學
  8. France - Ecole Internationale des Sciences du Traitement de l’Information (EISTI)信息處理科學國際學院
  9. France - Sup'Biotech Paris生物技術高等學院
  10. Japan - Waseda University早稻田大學
  11. Israel - Technion - Israel Institute of Technology以色列理工學院
  12. Germany - University of Augsburg奧格斯堡大學
  13. Netherlands - University of Twente湍特大學
  14. Belgium - KU Leuven天主教荷語魯汶大學



Above world renowned partner institutions will introduce their study environment, living and culture to our local students. They will also answer questions and provide first-hand information on exchange studies to our students.


Part Two – Information Session:


Besides having booths, several information sessions have also been arranged:



Session 1


Introduction to AY20/21 Outbound Exchange Program (1st Intake) <報名連結>


Session 2A

Study at Chalmers University

Session 2B

JYU Serving the Future since 1863


Session 3A

Waseda University Information Session

Session 3B

What is École Polytechnique's Brand New Bachelor Program? A talk by a first-generation student


Session 4A

Presentation of the UTT

Session 4B

Study in the Netherlands - from an Asian Student’s Perspective



  1. 諮詢8個(含)以上姐妹校/國際處攤位
  2. 參加2個(含)以上講座


To encourage students to participate in this event, if you fulfill below requirement, your certificate of participation can be used as one of the supporting document when you apply to AY20/21 Outbound Exchange Program:

  1. Consult with 8 or more booths
  2. Attend 2 or more information sessions


本活動網頁公告 Announcement of this event

109學年度第一梯次出國交換計畫公告 Announcement of AY20/21 Outbound Exchange Program (1st Intake)



承辦人 Contact Person:國際事務處 周秋儀 OIA - Ms. Cherrie CHOW

校內分機 Extension:50059