
Graduation Procedure Announcement for 2019 NCTU Department of Computer Science Undergraduate Program

Undergraduate student whom is eligible to graduate (Department and University), please follow the following instructions for graduation procedure:

Leaving Process Explanation:

  1. Process for departing Department of Computer Science 

Step 1:

Please bring your “Graduation Application Form for Undergraduate Programs of NCTU Department of Computer Science” to the Department’s Computer Center Office for confirmation and signature approval of all borrowed items (e.g., books, materials, public properties…etc) have been returned back to the hardware lab on the 2nd floor.

Step 2:

Please bring your “Graduation Application Form for Undergraduate Programs of NCTU Department of Computer Science” to the Department of the CS Office Assistant, whom is responsible for your program, for final checking, confirmation and sealing approval for completing the process of departing Department of Computer Science.

You may refer to the following CS Office Assistant whom is responsible for your program:

- Computer Science and Engineering Program:Ms. Wei-Chieh Teng(

- Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Program & Networking and Multimedia Engineering Program:Ms. Chiao-Han Chang( 

  1. Process for departing National Chiao Tung University

Process for departing National Chiao Tung University is now available online.  Please login into the School-leaving system (, correct the personal information, startup the leaving process and printout the leaving process sheet.  Then, you can check up with the divisions listed on the sheet to complete the leaving process. 

  1. Process for obtain your graduation certificate

All the grades and credits for Official Academic Transcript has been passed to the Division of Office of Academic Affairs.   Please make sure you have passed all the subjects before contact with 鄞寶彤 (Office of Academic Affairs Administration Officer), ext#31469 for obtaining your graduation certificate.

Academic Grades and Credits can be checked at Registration & Achievement System (Division of Office of Academic Affairs) by the following online website: