
2013/3/6 (三)Interaction Beyond the Individual: A Lecture on HCI-oriented Collaborative and Social Computing,王浩全教授,清華大學

2013/3/6 (三) 碩博論文研討—多媒體與生醫工程(英),演講資料如下歡迎蒞臨聽講

時 間:2013年3月6日 星期三 13:20 ~ 15:10

地 點:工程四館027教室

演講者:Prof. Hao-Chuan Wang(王浩全) , Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University

講 題:Interaction Beyond the Individual: A Lecture on HCI-oriented Collaborative and Social Computing

Hao-Chuan Wang is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science of National Tsing Hua University since February 2012. He received his Ph.D. in Information Science from Cornell University in 2011, M.S. in Computer Science from National Chengchi University in 2004 and B.S. from National Taiwan Normal University in 1999. He also studied and worked at the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University (2006-2008) and the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica (2004-2006) previously.

Prof. Wang’s primary research interest and expertise lie in the collaborative and social aspects of human-computer interaction (HCI). He also has interest and experience in applied machine learning, language technologies and educational technology. His work is characterized by a tight integration of computing research and behavioral and social sciences for understanding and solving problems related to online communication and social interaction. His recent projects include designing and evaluating tools for supporting group creativity, investigating the effects of cultural background in online interpersonal communication, and supporting collaborative learning with computer agent. He has published his work in a number of top publication venues for HCI, including CHI and CSCW. He has been an active reviewer for SIGCHI conferences for several years, and is a Program Committee member (also known as Associate Chair or Meta Reviewer) for CSCW 2013 and will be a Demonstrations Co-Chair for CSCW 2014, the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. More information of him can be found at

The prevalence of computer-mediated communication tools, such as instant messaging, microblogging and social networking sites, has extended the scope of possible relationships between people and machines. Moving beyond the classic "one person interacting with one machine" paradigm in human-computer interaction (HCI), the emerging phenomenon of using computers as communication media to enable distributed collaboration as well as online communities and societies requires researchers to explore a somewhat different set of theories, methods, ideas, and scientific and design practices for pursuing deeper understanding and informing technological design.

This lecture-style talk aims to provide a sketch of the design and research space of collaborative and social computing in ACM SIGCHI, a leading research community of HCI. One observation is that collaborative and social computing, and HCI in general, are not brand new topics, as they may appear to be. This year is going to be the 31st anniversary of CHI. CSCW has also been held biennially from 1986 to 2008 and annually since 2010. To perform research and development in these fields, understanding the trajectory, rationale and value behind may be as important as catching up trendy topics. The talk aims to contribute to the reflection and discussion of the possible benefits, difficulties and directions for growing this area in the local academic, industrial and cultural contexts.
