
微軟-交大人工智慧博士級菁英培訓計畫 申請時間:即日起至2018年12月28日(五)16:00前






(1)    個人中文或英文履歷及申請人簽名之本同意書(附件)

(2)    中文或英文 博士學程規劃書(Plan of Work)


(3)  其他著作、論文、成績等補充文件

(4)    論文指導教授同意書 - 同意書須包含: 指導教授系所及學生(申請人)姓名以利審查;指導教授明確表達同意申請人在指定學期參與此實習計劃

(5) 兩封推薦信 - 推薦信函須包含:所推薦之學生姓名、推薦人姓名、職稱、電話、信箱,以利審查單位與推薦人聯繫。推薦信必須有一封是由本校教師推薦。


(註: 論文指導教授同意書、推薦信需直接由指導教授、推薦人將資料以學校或公司email帳號傳至承辦人信箱E-mail: )



(1) 實習期間內,全程確實具備本方案實習資格,若有喪失學籍或就申請資格條件有虛偽意思表示者,則喪失實習資格。

(2) 學生於實習期間須按所屬系所之規定,選修其指導教授之専題研究或研究實習課程。並於期末繳交實習報告及微軟業界導師評估報告以供指導教授評分。成績高於或等於A之學生經論文指導教授之同意後,始於下學期提出繼續參與本方案之申請。惟,同一學生之實習期限,不得超過連續兩學期。

(3) 本實習工作地點以微軟台北辦公室或其指定之地點為主。實習期間,除非獲得微軟同意,原則上每日需至指定地點實習。

(4) 學生於實習期間,嚴禁將與指導教授已進行或正在進行之技術以任何形式揭露於微軟;同理亦不可將實習工作之內容,在未經微軟許可之下,告知非微軟員工。

(5) 參與本計劃之學生如因故未能完成博士學業並取得學位,在離開學校後12個月,不得受雇於台灣微軟公司。


所有申請資料之電子檔,含推薦信及指導教授同意書,須於122816:00前傳至人工智慧普適研究中心 - 莊小姐信箱,承辦人回覆收件確認後,始完成申請程序。如有任何檔案逾期未交,該申請則不予考慮。





Microsoft – NCTU AI Ph.D. Research Assistant Intern Program Agreement


Important Date: Apply NOW until 4:00 pm Dec. 28th (Fri) 2018.


Required Documents:

1.      Resume, and a signed and dated copy of this agreement(attachment)

2.      Plan of Work (includes your research interests, Ph.D. study planning taken your participation of the Microsoft-NCTU AI program into account.)

3.      Other supplement documents like publications, awards, transcripts.

4.      An approval letter from your Ph.D. thesis advisor

5.      Two recommendation letters of which one must from your Ph.D. thesis adviser.


The approval letter and recommendations must be sent by your adviser and the referee directly to using their NCTU or work email accounts.



  1. All participants are fully obligated and bounded by the NCTU student’s conduct over the course of the training program. If a participant is expelled from NCTU for any reason, she/he is no longer qualified to continue this internship program immediately. Any applicant provides false information will be disqualified or terminated and may be subject to disciplinary actions.
  2. The period of an internship is aligned with the semester.  Students who pass the interview need to register an Individual Study course, or the like, with her/his adviser, for the semester. Notice that the name of the course, which may vary depending on your school and department, will be announced later. At the end of the semester, the applicants are graded by their thesis advisers based on the students’ internship report and their Microsoft mentors’ report.  Only those applicants who have grade A or above can reapply for the program.  However, an applicant cannot participate in the program for more than two consecutive semesters.
  3. The work location is either at Microsoft Taipei office or any designated location by Microsoft.
  4. Students are not allowed to disclose any NCTU derived or on-going research work to Microsoft; likewise, students should abide by the Microsoft NDA.
  5. Participants of this program cannot be hired by Microsoft Taiwan 12 months after they depart from NCTU without completing their Ph.D. program for whatever reason.


Please send all required document to Miss Zoey Chuang ( All materials, including the advisor’s approval letter and recommendation letters, should be received before 4:00 pm, Dec. 28th 2018.  No delayed cases will be considered.


