


講題:Audience Targeting in Online Advertising
講者:朱文園 博士
           騰學廣告科技 資深資料研究員
時間:10月22日(星期一)  13:20 - 15:10 
地點:綜合一館 B101

Online advertising has become an important part of our daily lives. In average, an audience is exposed to around 300 online ads per day.
However, most displayed ads are not interesting to the audience.
Therefore, we would like to choose the ads the audience may be interested in. In other words, we would like to target the audience who is likely to be interested in the ads in our systems. Then, for the audience, they may receive the information they want; for the publisher, it is possible to reduce the dislike of displaying ads from the audience; for the advertiser, it directly increases the ad serving performance. In this talk, I will introduce the techniques for audience targeting we adopted in our advertising systems.

Dr. Wen-Yuan Zhu received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from National Chiao Tung University in 2016. Currently, he is a senior data researcher in TenMax AD Tech Lab. His research interests are computational advertising, social media mining and spatial-temporal data mining.


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