
【論文研討Seminar】107.10.17@ED117, Topic: The moments that deep learning meets photo album application (當深度學習技術遇上私有雲相簿應用)

講題:The moments that deep learning meets photo album application (當深度學習技術遇上私有雲相簿應用)

時間日期地點: NCTU ED117, 15:30-16:30.

講者:  Steven Liang (梁朝欽); Senior Product Developer, Machine Learning Team, Synology


更是達到了過去方法無法企及的成效。相簿應用在私有雲伺服器上也占有舉足輕重的地位,其所儲存的相片又是深度學習技術可以大展身手的目標,市面上深度學習所帶來的圖像辨識技術都建立在高計算能力的公有雲上,而群暉科技將深度學習技術帶進了小小一台 NAS 當中的相簿應用,幫助使用者依據相片內容來自動建立相簿,如小孩的相簿和寵物的相簿,且未上傳任何資料至雲端,完善保護用戶隱私。除此之外,群暉科技更進一步解決了行動裝置在網路不穩定時,可以做到高品質的離線瀏覽相片。我們將分享群暉科技在開發深度學習應用的相關技術,以及整合私有雲相簿應用的開發經驗。

Deep learning methods have made a breakthrough in recent years, especially in the field of

computer vision. With convolutional neural networks, it outperforms any other traditional methods

in many tasks.

Photo album application also plays a vital role on the private cloud, as it highly relates to user’s

privacy. To create the best user experience, we take advantage of deep learning technique in the

photo album application, helping users automatically create photo albums based on the recognition

of photo content, such as children album or pet album. For those image recognition technology on

the market, they are based on the great computing power of the cloud. We bring the technology

into a small private cloud without uploading anything to the public cloud, ensuring the user’s

privacy. We also resolve the bad experience when browsing photos on the mobile devices with

unstable network, delivering high quality photos under this circumstance.

We will be sharing the deep learning technology Synology has been utilizing and the

development experience in integrating deep learning technology to photo album application on

private cloud.


- 學歷

大學:國立中正大學資訊工程學系 (2009/09 ~ 2013/06)

研究所:國立交通大學資訊科學與工程研究所 -電腦遊戲與智慧實驗室 (2013/07 ~ 2015/08)

- 經歷

群暉科技股份有限公司 - 軟體開發部 開發研究員 (2015/11 ~ 2018/1)

群暉科技股份有限公司 - 軟體開發部 機器學習組 資深開發研究員 (2018/1 ~ 至今)

- 簡歷

於 2013 年取得國立中正大學資訊工程學士學位,並於 2015 年取得國立交通大學資訊科

學與工程研究所碩士學位,研究所期間主要研究遊戲相關人工智慧及分散式運算。2015 年進入群暉科技擔任軟體開發研究員,負責網路應用服務的開發,並在 2016 年中開始負責深度學習相關應用開發。