
09/26(三) 博士班書報討論演講

時 間:09月26日 星期三 15:30 ~ 17:20
地 點:ED302
演講者:郭志華教授, National Chiao Tung University/ Professor (retired in 2008)
講 題:Academic Writing: from Vocabulary to Research Articles
摘 要:
The speech first provides a general overview of academic writing. Three issues — English as a lingua franca, academic writing style, and writing problems of NNS writers — are raised and discussed. The speech then explicates the features of academic writing progressively, ranging from academic vocabulary, special grammatical usages, sentence variety, rhetoric, and finally to research articles. Examples are given to show how these features are linguistically realized. With respect to research articles, the speech focuses on the communicative purposes, information structure and writing skills of each major section of this academic genre.
Prof. Chih-Hua Kuo (郭志華) retired from TESOL Graduate Institute (英語教學研究所) and Language Teaching and Research Center (語言教學與研究中心) of National Chiao Tung University (交通大學) in 2008. Her research interests include: academic writing, corpus analysis, and online courseware development.