
12/12 (三) 碩博論文研討—網路工程演講

時 間:1212 星期三 13:20 ~ 15:10

地 點:電資大樓 4會議室 (一樓) / MIRC 4th meeting room.(1F)

Dr. Wen-Hao Yang, Managing Director, Wireless Communications Lab.,



講 題:R&D Activities of Wireless Communication Technology of CHT-TL

楊文豪博士 83 年畢業於國立交通大學電子研究所博士班 ( 電信組 )  77 年加入中華電信研究院服務,目前擔任無線通信研究所所長,帶領團隊進行無線及行動網路技術研究、行動網路查測分析與維運資訊系統開發、以及時頻標準技術研究。個人之技術專長領域包括行動通信、寬頻無線接取技術、天線、無線射頻被動元件等。 97 年獲選為中華電信公司傑出服務人員,同年亦獲得中國電機工程學會傑出電機工程師獎。


Dr. Wen-Hao Yang is the Managing Director of Wireless Communications Lab. of Telecommunication Laboratories, Chunghwa Telecom (CHT-TL), Taiwan. He received his Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering from National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1994. His research interests are in the areas of cellular communications, wireless access technologies, antennas and RF passive components. Recently, he leads 2G/3G network improvement and LTE/LTE-A technology research projects in CHT-TL.




Telecommunication Laboratories (CHT-TL) is the sole designated R&D organization of Chunghwa Telecom. In addition to closely support Chunghwa Telecom’s mobile business operation and important initiatives with its strong technical capabilities, CHT-TL also constantly conducts wireless technology research activities so as to benefit the company’s future development.


In this talk, the R&D activities of wireless communications technology of CHT-TL are introduced. Those include LTE/LTE-A technology research and LTE trial for performance evaluation. Over the years, CHT-TL has successfully developed LTE/LTE-A RAN simulator to facilitate its research works. Meanwhile, CHT-TL has also participated 3GPP meetings and submitted hundreds contributions for standardization since 2006. During the R&D, CHT-TL also built-up the collaboration with government, academy and industry to support domestic development of wireless related activities.


主持人:林寶樹 教授