
12/20 (四) 資訊工程系演講 Randomness through Computation

時間 Time: 12月20日 星期四 下午1:20~3:10

地點 Place: 工程三館345室 EC345

主講人: 東京工業大学 数理計算科学専攻 渡辺治 教授 Prof. Osamu Watanabe
Dept. of Mathematical and Computing Sciences
Tokyo Institute of Technology

Research Area: Theory of Computing and Its Applications
- Computational Complexity Theory
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Computational Learning Theory

講題 Topic: Randomness through Computation

摘要 Abstract:

Computation has been recognized as a new and fundamental paradigm
for our culture and society.  In particular, it provide us with a
new approach for various scientific/engineering research.  As one
typical example, we discuss in this lecture the computational
view of randomness.  We show that the randomness notion can be
clarified mathematically through computation; we also show some
practical application of this new view point. Also we discuss
the way to use randomness in computation.

This is a general introductory survey talk and no specific
prior knowledge is necessary.  Some of the topics are from his
survey article but some recent topics will be also added.