
2016/11/28(一)Can Big Data Change Opinions on Sensitive Data?

時間: 105.11.28(一) 10:00~11:30

地點: 工程三館 345室

演講者:Prof. Hendrik Jacob (Jaap) Van Den Herik

    (law and computer science, Leiden University, The Netherlands) 

演講題目:Can Big Data Change Opinions on Sensitive Data? 

演講摘要:Big Data applications range from partical physics via autonomously driven cars to Internet of Things. Eight (nearby) innovations clearly show us the existence of many obstacles. There are technical obstacles and social obstacles. To study them we thoroughly distinguish for each data science project seven phases, viz. data gathering, data cleaning, data interpretation, data analysis, data visualization, narrative science, and emergence of new paradigms. The emphasis will be on narrative science. Our example is finding the culprit in the Boston Bombing (2013). Here we see that sensitive data are subordinate to law enforcement. This leads to a delicate balance and to a provisional answer of the title.