
2015/11/6(五)Data and Network Science at Notre Dame: From Data to Innovation to Impact,Prof. Nitesh Chawla


一、日    : 11/6 () 10:30am-12:00pm

二、地    國立交通大學工程三館345


*演講主持及連絡人:曾新穆教授(, Ext 54722)

時間:11/6 () 10:30am-12:00pm


題目:Data and Network Science at Notre Dame: From Data to Innovation to Impact

主講者:Prof. Nitesh Chawla

服務單位:University of Notre Dame


In this talk, I will discuss our research in leveraging data for the common good. I will provide an overview of different research initiatives in my research program that tackle the big societal challenges, including challenges in social and information networks, environmental science analytics, learning analytics, and healthcare analytics. I will demonstrate the challenges inherent in these applications from data integration to data management, as well as the new data science problem statements that emerge. I will also share our experience in translating the innovations to societal use.


Nitesh Chawla is the Frank Freimann Collegiate Chair of Engineering and Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Notre Dame. He is the director of the Notre Dame Interdisciplinary Center for Network Science (iCeNSA), which is at the frontier of network and data science (Big Data) with a strong multidisciplinary focus. He has received numerous awards for research, scholarship and teaching. He is the recipient of the 2015 IEEE CIS Outstanding Early Career Award for 2015.  He received the IBM Watson Faculty Award in 2012, and the IBM Big Data and Analytics Faculty Award in 2013. He received the National Academy of Engineering New Faculty Fellowship. In recognition of the societal and community driven impact of his research, he was recognized with the Rodney Ganey Award in 2014 and Michiana 40 Under 40 in 2013. He is a two-time recipient of Outstanding Teaching Award in Computer Science and Engineering at Notre Dame. He has also received and nominated for a number of best paper awards. He serves on editorial boards of a number of journals and organization/program committees of top-tier conferences. He is also the director of ND-GAIN Index, Fellow of the Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values, Fellow of the Institute of Asia and Asian Studies, and Fellow of the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at  Notre Dame.