
2015/10/13(二)1:20 pm - 2:50 pm打造全球化創新品牌,王景弘 (Noodoe 創辦人暨總裁)

Guest Lecture of Entrepreneurship Realization 創業實務演講

 Title: Building a Global Brand through Innovation


Time: 1:20 pm - 2:50 pm, 2015/10/13 (Check-in: 12:30 pm - 1:15 pm)

Place: International Conference Hall, MIRC, National Chiao Tung University

地點:國立交通大學  電子與資訊研究中心一樓國際會議廳

Speaker: John Wang (Founder and Chairman of Noodoe)

演講人:王景弘 (Noodoe 創辦人暨總裁)

【Speaker's Biography】

Noodoe is founded by John Wang, former Chief Marketing Officer of HTC.

He joined HTC in 2003 in its early days, and by 2005 founded HTC’s Magic Labs, an innovation center for the creation of market-ready breakthrough products. This was part of his carefully crafted brand building approach together with a push to transform the corporate culture at HTC to put a much greater emphasis on the end user. It was these changes that were instrumental in bringing success to HTC, and reaching Interbrand’s list of top 100 global brands for 2011. In 2013, Wang established Noodoe with the goal of making innovation meaningful in our lives.

John has a history of executing breakthrough business ideas. In the infancy years of the Internet, John helped shape our interaction with the online world. In one of his earliest ventures, John was CEO of Quickdot Corporation, where he grew the company to a Web and wireless service with over six million users. Before Quickdot, John was a founding member of iMarket Inc., a maker of information-driven marketing software. During his tenure with iMarket, it became one of the few companies in the United States to be listed for three consecutive years on Inc. 500’s annual list of America's fastest-growing private companies. Prior to iMarket, John was a product manager for creating new solutions at Lotus Development. John also started Digital Media Publications to pioneer the publishing of one of the first electronic magazines in the 80’s.

John holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from MIT.


王景弘先生現為Noodoe創辦人暨總裁。他曾在HTC股價上千元時擔任行銷長,2003年於HTC早期代工廠時期加入,2005年成立HTC MAGIC LABs,創造可市場化的前瞻性產品。他同時精心擘畫HTC企業文化和品牌,拓展全球市場。這些突破性奠定了HTC邁向成功的基石,於2011年入選 Interbrand全球百大品牌,為台灣品牌之光。離開HTC之後,於2013年創立Noodoe品牌,希望創造出更多改變人類生活的創新品牌。

王景弘在執行突破性概念方面有長足的經驗。加入宏達電之前,他曾擔任Quickdot公司執行長,並帶領Quickdot成長為擁有600萬用戶 的網路服務公司。在此之前,王景弘創立了資訊導向(information-driven)的行銷軟體公司iMarket。在王景弘的帶領下,iMarket連續三年進入Inc雜誌每年所選出的全美成長最快速的500家私人企業排行。更早之前,王景弘在Lotus Development擔任產品經理,負責開發新產品。他也曾創立Digital Media Publications,出版了80年代最早期的電子雜誌之一。


※ The speech will be conducted in English. The admission is free of charge but registration is required (limited to 200 seats). Everyone is welcome.


※ Registration website:

※ Contact person: Ms. Yang,  (03) 5712121, Ext. 54832

※ Organizers: College of CS, NCTU and MOST Project Office of “Development and Applications of Advanced Communications Networking Technologies"

主辦單位: 國立交通大學資訊學院,科技部「前瞻通訊網路技術開發與應用計畫規劃」辦公室