
2015/9/3 (四) Good Laboratory Practice for Operations Research,Graham Kendall

吳毅成教授與生科系柯立偉副教授邀請來自 University of Nottingham 的學者 Prof. Graham Kendall 來交大分享 operations research 的研究方法,歡迎各位老師及實驗室的學生抽空前往參加,謝謝。

時間: 2015/9/3 (四) 14:00am~15:30pm
地點: 電子資訊研究大樓201室
演講者: Graham Kendall
演講題目: Good Laboratory Practice for Operations Research
演講摘要:Good Laboratory Practice has been a part of non-clinical research for over 40 years yet. Operations Research, despite having many papers discussing standards being published over the same period of time, has yet to embrace standards that underpin its research. We argue the need to adopt standards. We suggest a concrete set of recommendations that the community should adopt and discuss how the proposals could be progressed. We would value feedback from this talk.


Professor Graham Kendall is the Vice-Provost for Research and Knowledge Transfer at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC). He has been in Malaysia since August 2011 and is responsible for developing and delivering the strategic aims of the University in the areas of Research and Knowledge Exchange. He is the Chief Executive Officer of MyResearch Sdn Bhd. This company has MIDA R&D status, enabling companies to invest in Research and Development in a tax efficient way.

    He has published over 80 refereed journal papers (the vast majority in ISI ranked journals) and over 220 peer       reviewed papers in total. He has edited 11 books and authored 20 book chapters.