
[演講公告] 5/12(二) 10:10am-12:00nn,Graph Computing for Connected Big Data, Dr. Ching-Yung Lin(Chief Scientist, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)


一、日    期: 5/12 (二) 10:10am-12:00nn

二、地    點: 國立交通大學 工程三館015室(地下室)

三、主辦單位: 國立交通大學 資訊工程系


*演講主持及連絡人:曾新穆教授(, Ext 54722)

時間:5/12 (二) 10:10am-12:00nn     地點:工程三館015室(地下室)

題目:Graph Computing for Connected Big Data


主講者:Dr. Ching-Yung Lin 

服務單位:Chief Scientist, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center



Information Technology is moving into the Cognitive Computing era with the advances of smarter machines to manage the challenges of the rapidly expanding world of Big Data and Analytics. The size and complexity of the data is fueling a movement towards Graph Computing, as the traditional data management tools and techniques are not equipped to handle these non-uniform, semi-structured and highly interconnected data. Many real-world data are linked. Entities are dependent. Processing, storing, analyzing, retrieving, and visualizing connected data has been a major challenge for Big Data. Novel graph computing technologies are driving fundamental paradigm shifts. I am going to discuss the challenge of Graph Computing, including Graph Database, High Performance Computing, Middleware for Hardware Optimization, Analytics Library, and Visualization. Graphs may be large or small, static or dynamic, topological or semantic, and property-oriented or Bayesian. I will also introduce research challenges to apply Graph Computing technologies for (1) Cognitive Analytics, which utilizes graphical models to understand and predict people's behavior for Security or Commerce, (2) Social Analytics, which analyzes collective behaviors of people in social media, and (3) Brain Analytics, which models and visualizes neuron's dynamic networks of animal brain such as mouse.


Ching Yung Lin is the Chief Scientist in IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. He is also an Adjunct Professor in Columbia University since 2005 and in NYU since 2014. His research interest is mainly on fundamental research of multimodality signal understanding, network computing, and computational social & cognitive sciences, and applied research on security, commerce, and collaboration. Since 2011, Lin has been leading a team of more than 40 Ph.D. researchers in worldwide IBM Research Labs and more than 20 professors and researchers in 9 universities. He is the Principle Investigator of projects on Graph Computing and Social Cognitive Analytics.  Ching-Yung is an author of 160+ publications and 19 issued patents. His team recently won the Best Paper Award in BigData 2013, Best Paper Award in CIKM 2012, and Best Theme Paper Award in ICIS 2011. He is a Fellow of IEEE.