
12/29(Mon.) 演講: 馬萬鈞博士, Weta Digital


演講者: 馬萬鈞博士(Wan-Chun Alex Ma), Weta Digital

 時間: 12/29(Mon.) 11:10~12:00

地點: 工程三館114室 (EC114)

 主題: Automation: The Final Frontier for Visual Effects


Computer-generated visual effects are now used extensively in feature films. As there are more post production works to be handled with tighter schedule, it is merely impossible to complete any movie without certain parts of the jobs being fully or semi-automated. In this talk I will introduce the current development of automation processes in each field that are related to post production, such as matting, tracking, lighting, etc. In addition, I will also talk about our research efforts on building an automated pipeline of digital characters creation and animation.


Wan-Chun Alex Ma is now a Computer Graphics Researcher at Weta Digital, and Adjunct Research Associate at Victoria University of Wellington.  He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering from National Taiwan University in 2008. His Ph.D. mentors are Dr. Ming Ouhyoung and Dr. Paul Debevec. He was a postdoctoral research associate at USC Institute for Creative Technologies from 2009 to 2011.


His Ph.D. work on using polarized spherical gradient illumination is one of the state-of-the-art systems for capturing highly-detailed facial geometry and texture. It has been used in many feature film projects since then, including James Cameron's Avatar. The technology was also transferred to Lightstage LLC, which provides professional facial scanning service for post production. At Weta Digital, he has served for the main developers for algorithms that involve facial modeling and facial motion retargeting. His research results have been applied to projects include: The Hobbit trilogy (2012,2013,2014), Iron Man 3 (2013), and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014).

His research interests include performance capture, facial animation, image-based modeling and rendering, machine learning, and geometry processing.

 主持人: 莊榮宏教授、林奕成助理教授