
2014/6/26(四) The difference thought process between human and computer, Prof. Takeshi Ito


 時 間:06月26日 星期四 10:30~12:00

地 點:工程三館 345教室 (EC345)

演講者: Prof. Takeshi Ito


 The difference thought process between human and computer


Now, computer shogi and go are getting very strong. But, we feel something wrong in moves by computer from human's point of view. It is because there are the difference thought processes between human and computer. I introduce some cognitive experiments that examined human thought process in playing Shogi or Go. And, I compare with the thought processes between human and computer.


 Takeshi Ito


Cognitive Scientist. Especially interested in human problem solving, learning processes and man_machine interface. 

<Educational background>
1989: Graduate from Hokkaido University, Department of behavioral science 1994: Graduate from Nagoya University, Graduate school of engineering, department of  Information engineering 
   (Dr. of Engineering)

1994-: Asistant professor, University of Electro-Communications, Department of Information 
2004-: Guest professor, University of Digital Hollywood University
2010-: Asistant professor, University of Electro-Communications, Graduate school of 
    Informatics and Engineering

2006-: Chairman, Cognitive Science and Entertainment Research Station, University of       
     Electro-Communications (2006-)
2014-: Chairman, Game Informatic Research Group, Information processing society of Japan
2008-: Director, Computer Go forum

2005: IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award
2009: CSA Research Award
2010: Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, 
     Science and Technology
2012: TAAI2012 Excellent Paper Award

Hosts吳毅成(I-Chen Wu)教授