
【論文研討Seminar】112/11/08(Wed) 15:30-17:30 @ED117。講題:Navigating Heterogeneity: Designing, Prototyping, and Evaluating Two Heterogeneous SoCs

講題:Navigating Heterogeneity: Designing, Prototyping, and Evaluating Two Heterogeneous SoCs


時間與地點:Time: 11/08(Wed) 3:30-5:30 PM

Location: ED 117


Ting-Jung Chang 張庭榕/ Assistant Professor, Miin Wu School of Computing, NCKU


【講題大綱】 As Moore's Law approaches its limits, the widespread adoption of heterogeneous SoC architectures has emerged as a pivotal solution for enhancing performance and efficiency through specialized hardware. However, the ever-increasing heterogeneity poses many challenges. In this talk, I will introduce two heterogeneous SoC silicon prototypes designed to address distinct challenges and share the insights we gained throughout the experience.


【講者簡介】 Ting-Jung Chang is an Assistant Professor in the Miin Wu School of Computing at National Cheng Kung University. She holds a Ph.D. in ECE and an M.A. in EE from Princeton University and spent a year at Sambanova working on next-generation AI chips before joining NCKU. She is broadly interested in computer architecture and VLSI design, with a particular focus on heterogeneous architecture and emerging technologies