
2013/10/23(三) 行動通訊系統演進至4G/B4G之道,Dr. Sheng-Lin Chou

2013/10/23(三) The Way of Cellular System’s Evolution to 4G and Beyond(行動通訊系統演進至4G/B4G之道


演講資料如下, 歡迎蒞臨

時 間:10月23日 星期三1:20 ~ 3:10 p.m.

地 點:工程三館115教室

Sheng-Lin Chou, Deputy General Director of Information and Communication Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ICL/ ITRI)

講   題:The Way of Cellular System’s Evolution to 4G and Beyond


摘   要

我國從今年(2013)九月開始進行通訊產業界難得一見的大盛事 --- 4G頻 譜釋照,競爭空前激烈,一個月過去,競標金額已經超過800億 台幣,還分不出高下。不管未來幾天結果如何發展,政府已經是最大贏家了! 但是,運營商呢? 在 付出如此龐大的代價後,未來的行動上網業務真的會為運營商帶來更多的營收? 還有,更重要的是,使用者會是贏家嗎?


本次演講將從上述的4G釋 照的問題切入,回顧全球過去因3G釋 照與服務沒有起色而造成的泡沫化現象,討論4G是 否會重蹈覆轍。我們將從1G、2G、3G到4G的 技術的發展演進過成、應用與服務的發展、以及運營商在語音服務與行動上網服務上如何取得利基點…等 方面進行討論。


另外,在全球才開始在全力佈建4G LTE 系統的今天,已經有人開始熱烈地在討論5G的 發展了。到底5G未 來會是何種模樣,本次演講亦將稍微做一簡單介紹,讓大家對行動通訊系統的過去、現在與未來,有一全貌性的了解。



Sheng-Lin Chou is now the Deputy General Director of Information and Communication Research Laboratories (ICL), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ICL/ ITRI). Dr. Chou has joined ITRI for 25 years altogether, during which he involved in many research projects, most in networking and telecommunication areas. Recently, he has been focusing on IP telephony (VoIP system), all-IP networking systems, and wireless communication system technologies development. Some specific systems have been developed under his supervision, including IMS-based VoIP system, SIP Softswitch system, WCDMA SoC technology, and WiMAX ASN-Gateway, and the Taiwan NP (Number Portability) Service System. During 2007 to 2010, Dr. Chou quit from ITRI to join TECO Co. as the General Director of TECO Group Research Institute, and then joined VMAX telecom Co. as the CTO and VP for being responsible for the WiMAX network deployment. Dr. Chou rejoined ITRI in Oct. 2010. 

Dr. Chou was an Adjunct Associate Professor of CSIE Departments of National Chiao-Tung University from 1992 to 2001, and the Adjunct Professor of EE Department of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology from 2010.

Dr. Chou was honored as one of the Ten Outstanding Information People (十大傑出資訊人才) of Republic of China in 1998 and awarded as one of the Ten Distinguished Engineers (十大傑出工程師) by Chinese Institute of Engineers in 2002. He received his B.S.E.E. degree from Nation Tsing-Hua University in 1980, his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, both in computer engineering, from National Chiao-Tung University in 1982 and 1992, respectively. He also got his EMBA degree from the Thunderbird --- the Garvin School of International Management, USA in 2005. He is now the members of Phi-Tau-Phi, Pi Sigma Alpha, and IEEE.
