
請同學於9月29日(三)前,上網檢查自己功課表confirm courses status


主旨:有關本校110上學期開學後加退選的重要事宜,如附說明,請  查照。


一、選課網址:本校生請由陽明交大單一入口https://portal.nycu.edu.tw  點選「陽明交通大學」-「一般選課系統」。

       Route: https://portal.nycu.edu.tw < National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University> Online Course Registration System



Please 『confirm courses status』and 『query course status』on the online course registration system to make sure all courses selected are correct before the course registration deadline (Sep 29).



    Graduate students please refer to the required course regulation of your program and make sure you register the core courses as required.



Before the course registration periods begin, click “Emulator” button (please note that this does not mean you completed the course registration). During the course registration period, you should add course to your “regist list”.


五、開學後加退選:9月13日上午11:00~9月30日上午9:00 (最後選課截止為9月30日早上9點)



Add/Drop period: 9/13 11:00 AM -9/30 9:00 AM (the deadline is 9/30 9:00 AM)

  1. The system will be open every day at 11:00 AM to 9:00 AM the next day during the course registration period.

2.The system will be closed at 9:00-11:00 AM every day (will perform random distribution of courses with a size limit.)




  1. 『網路選課加退選處理表』 https://aa.nycu.edu.tw/chcourse/applicationform/ 。繳單後,請同學務必上選課系統確認課程,自己欲修習的所有課程皆要與網路上課表一致(最後的選課情形 以網路選課系統為主)。

‘Online Course Add and Drop Application Form’ is for students who were unable to add or drop courses online due to special circumstances during the course registration period, and also got the permission from the course instructor

After submitting the application form, please confirm your course list on course system(the final result will be based on your course system records).


七、學生若有「課程與選課規劃」之事宜,請逕洽各 所屬學系辦公室助理、導師或學長姐。 學生若有「選課系統操作」之事宜,請電洽課務組同仁。 陽明校區:02-2826-7000(分機62038、62039) 交大校區:03-571-2121(分機50421-50425)

 You may go to the Curriculum Division you tend to go for any further assistance.
  Yang-Ming Campus: 02-2826-7000 #62038-62039
  Chiao Tung Campus: 03-571-2121 #50421-50425

Office of International Affairs

Yang-Ming Campus: 02-2826-7000 # 65133
  Chiao Tung Campus: 03-571-2121 # 50660