
Engineering Innovation Challenge (EIC) 2021

The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) will once again host the National Engineers Day (NED) from 9 November to 20 November 2021


Theme of the EIC 2021: Radiation 360°

The Challenge: To explore or make innovative improvements on the application of ionising radiation in the area of:

  1. Industry,
  2. Sustainability,
  3. Healthcare,
  4. Food and Agriculture,
  5. Transportation

Please refer to the following evaluating criteria for Judging for your information:

Shortlisting Criteria: Problem Statement & Written proposal


Research Question/ Problem 40%

Design and methodology 30%

Creativity 30%

Final Judging: Prototyping or Model

Design & Methodology 20%

Research Problem 20%

Execution 20%

Creativity 20%

Presentation & Knowledge 20%


Shortlisted teams will receive $500 prototype fund after NED 2021;

Participants from overseas and locally should present in person and/or virtually with ready prototypes and video introduction (not more than 2 mins, via online submission) to the judges during the preliminary judging and final judging in November 2021 (depending on COVID-19 situation)


The EIC Competition will showcase selected projects for final judging and subsequently for presentation of awards on 20 November 2021 at the National Engineers Day 2021.

Great Prizes Awaits You!

1st Team

SGD 8,000 Cash + Trophy + SGD500 Prototype Fund + Cert

2nd Team

SGD 5,000 Cash + Trophy + SGD500 Prototype Fund + Cert

3rd Team

SGD 3,000 Cash + Trophy + SGD500 Prototype Fund + Cert

Merit Award
(No. of Winners to be confirmed)

SGD 1,000 Cash + SGD500 Prototype Fund + Cert

Shortlisted Teams

Prototype Fund (SGD500)

Popularity Award

SGD 300 Cash

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