
2013/9/25(三)The Interaction of Human and Machine Perception, Hsueh-Cheng 'Nick' Wang, postdoctoral researcher at MIT CSAIL

9/25(三) 演講資料如 下, 歡迎蒞臨
講   題:The Interaction of Human and Machine Perception 
時 間:102年9月25日(三)下午13:20  - 3:20
地 點:工程三館115室
演講者: Hsueh-Cheng 'Nick' Wang,  postdoctoral researcher at MIT CSAIL (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
In our everyday life, visual information is essential for our interaction with the environment, which become a common goal devoted by scientists in different fields, such as artificial intelligence, linguistic, psychophysic, and others. In the first part the talk, I will address how visual information affects eye movements during reading and scene viewing, in order to understand the complex processes in our visual system as well as in higher cognitive functions in human mind. Computational methods, such as singular value decomposition (SVD) / latent semantic analysis (LSA), bi-gram transitional probability, and visual saliency, together with experimental methods are used to predict when and where people move their eyes. In the second part, I will focus on my recent work of machine perception. Scene text is detected and decoded from live data-stream produced by a body-worn sensor suite. Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is then used to enable accurate egomotion estimation, which allows extracting planar surfaces and scheduling computationally  intensive inspection. Multiple observations are integrated into a higher-confidence estimate of environmental text, which support task performance in robotics and assistive technology for blind and visually impaired people. Finally, I will introduce some ongoing studies, such as providing navigation clue in a hallway using Kinect visual odometry, and recognizing text and logo in a supermarket using eye gaze data.
Hsueh-Cheng 'Nick' Wang is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at MIT CSAIL (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory). He received his PhD from Department of Computer Science in University of Massachusetts at Boston, and his B.S. and M.S. from National Taiwan University. His research interests include human and machine perception, human computer interface (eye tracking), and multimedia signal processing.
主持人: 陳健 教授  吳毅成所長