
5/01 (三)Making online decisions with no regret, 呂及人博士(中研院研究員)

5/01 (三) 碩博論文研討—資訊系統與系統設計(英), 演講資料如下, 歡迎蒞臨
時 間:5月 01 日 星期三 13:20 ~ 15:10
地 點:工程四館117教室
講  題:Making online decisions with no regret
摘  要:
In our daily life, we often have to make repeated decisions or predictions in unknown and 
changing environments. Examples include forecasting weather, trading stocks, commuting to 
work, playing games, etc. These scenarios can be modeled as the so-called online 
decision/learning problem, which is the focus of this talk. We will define this problem, show 
how to solve it, and demonstrate its importance by showing its wide range of applications in 
diverse areas such as machine learning, optimization, complexity theory, game theory, and 