
11/12(一)「資訊工程研討」演講資訊,歡迎聽講 !!


時 間:107年11月12日(一)13:20-15:10

地 點:綜合一館B101室

講 題:Learning Human-centered Analytics from Multimodal Data 

講    者:Chi-Chun Lee

主持人:王國禎 教授

講者簡歷:Chi-Chun Lee (Jeremy) is an Associate Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan. He received his B.S. degree and Ph.D. degree both in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California, USA in 2007 and 2012. He was a data scientist at id:a lab at ID Analytics in 2013. His research interests are in the human-centered behavioral signal processing (BSP) and affective computing. He was awarded with the USC Annenberg Fellowship (2007 -2009). He won the first place in the Emotion Challenge in Interspeech 2009, and his lab was ranked #2 in the CompareE Self-Affect Challenge in Interspeech 2018. He is a coauthor on the best paper in Interspeech 2010, IEEE EMBC 2018, Interspeech 2018, and the most cited paper published in 2013 in Journal of Speech Communication on automatic modeling of couples' behaviors during therapeutic sessions. He is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi and Eta Kappa Nu. He is also a member of IEEE and ISCA. He recently served as an area chair for Interspeech 2016, 2018, 2019, senior program committee for ACII 2017, ACM ICMI 2018, and a guest editor in Journal of Computer Speech and Language on special issue of Speech and Language Processing for Behavioral and Mental Health. He is involved in multiple granted interdisciplinary research projects, including aspects on education, psychology, neuroscience, and health-related applications, with a focus of modeling human behaviors using signal processing and machine learning.


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