
Open Positions Announcement




Open Positions Announcement


Tenure-track Professor/AssociateProfessor/AssistantProfessor





Department of Computer Science

National Chiao Tung University

Hsinchu, Taiwan




The Department of Computer Science (CS) at the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions at all levels and in all areas of CS, beginning in February and August each year. Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in related areas (CS, EE, Mathematics, Statistics, Mechanical Engineering, Art and Design, etc.) with strong evidence and commitment to excellent research and teaching. The department offers BS/MS/Ph.D. programs and provides an excellent research and teaching environment. NCTU is one of the top universities in Taiwan. It is located in Hsinchu City, about 70 kilometers south of Taipei, and is next to the world-famous Hsinchu Science Park.




We are looking for qualified candidates in all areas, but with particular emphases in:


1.      Emerging technologies (AI, Data Analytics, Networking, VR/AR, etc.)


2.      Computer software and systems (Computer Security, Cloud computing, Large Scale Software and Systems, Software Engineering, Next Generation Architectures, etc.)


3.      Inter-discipline (Robotics, HCI, etc.)




Required Application Documents:


1.      Curriculum vitae


2.      Research and teaching statements


3.      A photocopy of the Ph.D. diploma (if available)


4.      Publications list


5.      Up to three representative publications (including the abstract of your dissertation if available)


6.      Three recommendation letters




Contact address and email:


Faculty Search Committee

Department of Computer Science

National Chiao Tung University


1001, University Road, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan


Phone: +886-3-5715900         FAX: +886-3-5721490

Email:  Website: