
[講演宣傳]Entity Normalization Algorithms for Biomedical Text Mining-09/25(二)下午16:00-17:00@工四816智易空間


2018925日,交大–IBM智慧物聯網巨量資料分析研發中心特別邀請到Prof. Chun-Nan Hsu(UC San Diego School of Medicine)前來為我們演講。歡迎有興趣的老師與同學免費報名參加! 請您協助轉發活動的資訊給資工系的學生。謝謝~

演講主題:Entity Normalization Algorithms for Biomedical Text Mining

  者:Prof. Chun-Nan Hsu (UC San Diego School of Medicine)

    間:2018/09/25()  16:00 ~ 17:00 PM 

    點:交大工程四館816 智易空間






Biomedical text mining is a sub-field in Natural Language Processing in AI aiming at extracting biomedical information from text, including research papers, reports, clinical documents, and other biology and health related text documents. Applications of biomedical text mining including indexing biomedical literature for literature search and retrieval, scientific facts and knowledge curation, cohort identification from patient records, etc. Entity normalization is the problem of linking an entity mention in a text to a standard code. For example, linking a disease mention to a ICD-9 code. Entity normalization is essential for downstream applications of biomedical text mining and thus very important. This talk will review state-of-the-arts and present some new algorithms that the speaker is currently developing, based on recurrent neural networks and embedding of entity types in Euclidean and Non-Euclidean spaces. 


吳靜 Sabrina

電話:03-5712121 分機 54627