
[演講公告]講題Title: Overfit the Visual World: Computer Vision via Machine Learning

講題 : Overfit the Visual World: Computer Vision via Machine Learning

時間 : 10/16 (Mon) 13:20 pm ~15:10 pm (演講時間通常是一小時 + Q & A) 

地點 : AB101 (綜合大樓) 

對象 : 資工系大三生

課程 : 資訊工程研討 

講者介紹 :

Wei-Chen Chiu (邱維辰) received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the M.S.
degree in Computer Science from National Chiao Tung University in, Hsinchu, Taiwan in 2008 and 2009. He further received Doctor of Engineering Science (Dr.-Ing.) from Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrucken, Germany, in 2016.
He is an assistant professor in Department of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University and director of EVA Lab from August 2017. He was an postdoctoral researcher in Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica, from Feb. to July. 2017, and a research scientist in a Taiwanese startup, Viscovery, from Aug. 2016 to Jan. 2017. His current research interests generally include computer vision, machine learning, and deep learning, with special focus on generative models.
演講摘要 :
In this talk, I will give a brief introduction for the research area of combining computer vision and machine      learning, with superficially addressing the field of deep learning which brings a huge leap for machine learning these days. In addition, I will also present our recent results on semantic RGBD video segmentation, deep cross-domain disentanglement, cross-resolution face recognition, and sketch-to-photo face inversion.