
[演講公告]Interactive Material and Damping Design

Time: 10/16 (Mon) 10:10 - 11:30 

Place: 工四館合勤講堂

Speaker: Prof. Jernej Barbic 

               (University of Southern California)

Title: Interactive Material and Damping Design


Jernej Barbic is an associate professor of computer science at USC,
working in the field of computer graphics and animation.  In 2014, he
was named a Sloan Research Fellow. In 2011, MIT Technology Review
named him one of the Top 35 Innovators under the age of 35 in the
world (TR35). Jernej is the author of Vega FEM, an free C/C++ software
physics library for deformable object simulation. He received his
Ph.D. from CMU, and did postdoctoral research at MIT CSAIL. His
interests include computer graphics, animation, fast physics, visual
effects for film, medical simulation, FEM deformable objects, haptics,
sound simulation, model reduction and control of nonlinear systems,
intellectual property law and startup companies. Jernej is a NSF
CAREER Award winner and holds a Viterbi Early Career Chair position at


Finite Element Method (FEM) has been widely used for simulations of
three-dimensional deformable objects. To produce compelling and
artist-controllable FEM dynamics, the choices of material elasticity
and damping properties are critically important. I will discuss how to
intuitively explore the space of isotropic and anisotropic nonlinear
materials, for design of FEM animations. Material properties may vary
across the volume of the object, producing heterogeneous deformable
behaviors. I will discuss interactive inverse methods to design
heterogeneous material distributions, and their scalability to complex
problems using model reduction of the material space. FEM dynamics is
largely affected also by the damping properties, in addition to
elasticity. I will discuss nonlinear damping and the related
challenges. I will give a damping design method and interface whereby
the user can easily set anisotropic and nonlinear damping properties,
enabling artist-directable damping.