
11/28 (三) 碩博論文研討—資訊系統與系統設計(英)演講 (取消)

時 間:11月28日 星期三 13:20 ~ 15:10


地 點:工程四館117教室


演講者:Prof. Albert Y. Zomaya,澳洲雪梨大學講座教授

                (Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Computers)

講   題:
Environmentally Sustainable Large Scale Distributed Systems

摘   要:


     Global warming and climate change trends call for urgent action to manage information and communication technologies in a sustainable manner by minimizing energy consumption and utilizing resources more efficiently. This talk will review some of the important questions related to the development of new algorithms and tools for energy–aware resource management allocation for large–scale distributed systems enabling these systems to become environmentally friendly.

