
2016/03/02(三) Device-to-Device Communication with Simultaneous Transmission, 蘇炫榮教授(台大電機系)




時間:3/2 (三) 15:30-17:20



主題:Device-to-Device Communication with Simultaneous Transmission



Device-to-Device (D2D) communication allows direct communication of a device to another device without traversing a base station. It takes advantage of the physical proximity of communication devices to achieve high bit rate, low delay, low power consumption, and dense frequency reuse. In the cellular spectrum, the overlay D2D operation lets D2D users and cellular users use orthogonal radio resources. There is no interference between D2D and cellular links, but the efficiency of frequency reuse is low. The underlay D2D operation, on the other hand, allows D2D and cellular users to occupy the same radio resources. It has better frequency reuse, but the price paid is complicated interference management which usually requires centralized coordination and a significant amount of channel and traffic information exchange. In this talk, a scheme that allows a D2D user to simultaneously transmit D2D and cellular signals is proposed to improve the performance of both overlay and underlay D2D. The proposed scheme has the advantage of frequency reuse, similar to underlay D2D, but does not need centralized interference management. The system design aspects pertaining to the proposed scheme, such as rate maximization, power allocation, scheduling, transmitter and receiver operations, and extension from single antenna to multi-antenna scenario will be discussed. System simulations show that the proposed scheme significantly improves the existing overlay and underlay D2D performance with only a slight impact on the performance of the cellular links.



National Taiwan University (2003/02 ~ ), Professor (2012/08 ~ )
Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, Holmdel, New Jersey (2000/11 ~ 2003/02)
National Chiao Tung University, B.S. in Electronics Engineering (1992/06)