
2014/5/28(三) 物聯網感測設備管理研習會 Device Management: From Communication Devices to M2M Devices

Device Management: From Communication Devices to M2M Devices

Speaker: Dr. Ming Lai, Co-Founder of Connectilife
Time:2014/5/28(Wed) 6:30-9:30PM
Place:National ChiaoTung University, Microelectronics and Information systems Research Centrer (MIRC) #103 (3rd meeting room)

Standardized device management technologies have been widely adopted for communication devices, such as wireless phones and broadband modems. For example, Open Mobile Alliance (OMA)’s Device Management (DM) software has been implemented and deployed in more than 1.6 billion wireless phones. However, with a wide variety of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) devices, some with small code and data size while some connected to wide area networks through gateways, it is important to evolve the dominant standardized device management technologies initially designed for communication devices, assess the emerging M2M device management enablers developed today, and research the new integration device management solutions for M2M devices used in one or multiple vertical applications.
The talk will cover the following areas:
1. Communication Devices and M2M Devices
2. Device Classes and Device Life Cycle
3. M2M Device Management Challenges
4. Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Device Management (DM) 1.XWed
5. OMA Device Management (DM) 2.0
6. OMA Lightweight M2M (LWM2M)
7. Broadband Forum (BBF) TR-069
8. Over-the-Top Device Management Enablers
9. Device Management Deployment Scenarios
10. Research Areas for Integrated Device Management Solutions

Dr. Ming Lai is a co-founder of Connectilife, which focuses on management, integration, and interoperability of M2M devices, networks, applications, and data (DNAD). Ming was the head of the M2M technology and business development in Applied Communication Sciences, formerly Telcordia Advanced Technology Solutions, where he also served as the primary representative to OneM2M, ATIS M2M Committee, Open Mobile Alliance, WiMAX Forum, and NPSTC 700 MHz LTE Broadband Working Group.
While at Telcordia and Bellcore, Ming directed and led a wide spectrum of M2M, wireless, and large software/database technology projects, including M2M automatic provisioning, M2M portable gateways, police based M2M device management, telematics information monitoring system, WiMAX qualification system, broadband priority services, automatic base station/antenna tuning for 3G/4G traffic, mission critical voice solution in LTE, performance management for mobile ad hoc networks,  system load balancing across heterogeneous wireless networks, fault inserting testing, broadcast database system, relational algebra based protocol verification system,  etc.
Ming also initiated and managed multiple Bellcore and Telcordia product lines, such as telecom network measurements and reliability, customer care, billing, order management, software architecture and analysis, software analysis/testing tools, voice/video over IP consulting, Y2K network conversion, etc. Prior to Bellcore, Ming was involved in advanced system research on multi-processor database machine and communication protocol design at Bell Labs and Rand Corporation.
Ming obtained his Ph.D. and M.S. degree from Harvard University and his B.S. degree from National Taiwan University.

Organizer:National ChiaoTung University, College of Computer Science, Deep Plowing Center for the Industrial Base of Network and Information Systems

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