


The Alumni Association of the Computer Science Department, NCTU, Taiwan

Our department aims at cultivating students to acquire the theoretical and technical knowledge of computer science. With the growing number of enrollments, up to now, there are nearly 9,000 doctoral, master’s, and university graduates and many of them are elites and experts in the industry fields. To unify the efforts of our graduates, the first president of the Alumni Association Chung-Chih Huang (class year, 69) organized the Alumni Association of the Computer Science Department in 2005. The second president San-Yuan Lin (class year, 70), the third president Yu-Hsiang Hung (class year, 79), the current president Ming-Hsiung Wu (class year, 67), the current vice presidents Ping-Fu Chun (class year, 78) and Chi-Hung Chiu (class year, 89) continued the mission with our department to conduct thematic meetings and activities, provide support, and strengthen the connection between alumni members and the Department of Computer Science.





為感念母系的栽培,211 年由 92 級吳俊逸學長發起、與系學會共同舉辦【交大資工系友職涯經驗分享座談會】,邀請熱心的學長姐分享工作、留學及生涯規劃等寶貴經驗,並邀約講師群餐敘與座談。2011 年系友職涯經驗分享座談會即引發熱烈迴響,2012 年的座談會更是高達百餘位學弟妹踴躍報名參與。


為有效強化系友會與母系的連結,資工系特別自 2012 年成立【系友事務委員會】,並由陳永昇教授擔任召集人,負責系友、老師、在學生三方之間的溝通橋樑。系友事務委員會目前已蒐集整理各級系友的聯繫資料,於 2012 年 12 月底開放予系友可線上更新個人資訊,並已於 Facebook 上建立聯繫平台,敬請各位學長姐協助資料更新並善加利用此平台。不論是發布徵才訊息、分享職場經驗、創業歷程甘苦談、對系上及學弟妹的期許或建言等,皆非常歡迎透過平台分享。讓我們攜手齊心,以延續交大資工優良傳統為使命,共同創造資訊產業與資工系之新榮景。