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Courses & Projects

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  1. 正規語言概論 (Introduction to Formal Languages)
  2. 演化計算 (Evolutionary Computation)
  3. 計算人文基礎: 師法自然 (Introductory Lectures and Laboratories on Computational Humanities: Inspiration from Nature) [與人社院張俊彥老師合開]
  4. 正規語言與計算理論 (Formal Languages and Theory of Computation)
  5. 計算人文與創造力工作坊:師法自然 (A Computational Journey Towards Humanities and Creativity: Inspired by Nature) [與人社院張俊彥老師合開]
  6. 計算人文與創造力工作坊:由圖形理論談起 (A Computational Journey Towards Humanities and Creativity: Starting from Graphs) [與人社院張俊彥老師合開]
  7. 機率 (Probability)
  8. 人工智慧概論 (Introduction to Artificial Intelligence)
  9. 人工智慧 (Artificial Intelligence)
  10. 嵌入式系統程式設計 (Embedded System Programming)
  11. 計算機概論 (Introduction to Computer Science)
  12. 正規語言 (Formal Languages)
  13. 嵌入式系統設計 (Embedded System Design) [joint class]

Research Projects

  1. 以反思創作者之心智活動設計具第一類對位風格形成暨作曲能力之智慧 計算機制並藉以探索智能行為中之創意與創造 (Designing a computational intelligence mechanism capable of composition and style development of first species counterpoint and investigating creation and creativity with the mechanism, by reflecting on the creator's mind activities)
  2. 設計具創意暨創作能力之智慧演算架構並應用於定旋律自主風格形成及其作曲之研究 (Study on designing an intelligent framework capable of accommodating creation and creativity for composing cantus firmi with autonomous style development)
  3. 應用演化演算法於輔助進行區塊鏈智慧合約性質檢測之研究 (Study on assisting the property-based tests on smart contracts on blockchain with evolutionary algorithms)
  4. 應用演化演算法於輔助進行區塊鏈智慧合約形式驗證之研究 (Study on assisting the formal verification of smart contracts on blockchain with evolutionary algorithms)
  5. 應用演化演算法於 MCLT codes 組態最佳化之研究 (Study on optimizing the configurations of MCLT codes by using evolutionary algorithms)
  6. 以增進 LT codes 暨 MCLT codes 之效能為方法探究 Multifactorial Optimization 演算架構 (Investigation on Multifactorial Optimization by Improving Performance of LT codes and MCLT codes)
  7. 虛擬 MapReduce 叢集暨 Hadoop YARN 之排班機制與效能分析 (Scheduling and Performance Analysis for Virtual MapReduce Clusters and Hadoop YARN)
  8. MapReduce 架構之可靠性、延展性暨能源效率之提升研究 (Toward a highly reliable, scalable, and energy-efficient MapReduce framework)
  9. 應用泛用型最佳化演算架構於無線網路傳輸技術最佳化問題之研究 (Studies on the Application of General Optimization Frameworks to the Optimization Problems in Wireless Networking Technologies)
  10. 硬體惡意行為檢測技術研究 (Detection of Hardware Trojan)
  11. 研究與發展專為無線網路系統客製化之最佳化演算架構 (Study and Development of a Customized Optimization Framework for Wireless Networking Systems)
  12. 於 XCS 分類系統中導入容錯機制: 實務影響與理論分析 (Introducing Fault Tolerance into XCS: Practical Impact and Theoretical Analysis)
  13. 整合型計畫: 生物系統從序列到結構與功能之計算研究 (Computational study on the sequence-structure-function relationship in biological systems)
  14. {大專學生參與專題研究計畫} 以隨選分割配合機率建模基因演算法處理多維度實數連續域中之最佳化問題 (Split on Demand with Probabilistic Model Building Genetic Algorithms for Solving Continuous Optimization Problems)
  15. 發展導引式演化策略演算法以處理實數參數之全域最佳化問題 (Particle Swarm Guided Evolution Strategy for Real-Parameter Optimization)
  16. {大專學生參與專題研究計畫} 以機率建模遺傳演算法的離散化解決連續域中之最佳化問題 (Discretization for Probabilistic Model Building Genetic Algorithms in Solving Optimization Problem in Continuous Domain)
  17. 利用前置式區域搜尋技術增強機率模型構建式基因演算法之執行效能研究 (Performance Speed-up for Probabilistic Model Building Genetic Algorithms by Using Prefix Local Searchers)
  18. 院內急救通報系統之建制與成效評估 (Building an in-hospital resuscitation reporting system)
  19. 鏈結學習型基因演算法之設計改進研究 (Design Enhancement of Linkage Learning Genetic Algorithms)

Open Source Projects

  1. proof.generator
         Paper: Proving Theorems by Using Evolutionary Search with Human Involvement
  2. starcraft.asga
         Paper: Learning to Select Actions in StarCraft with Genetic Algorithms
  3. ea.prover
         Paper: Automatically Proving Mathematical Theorems with Evolutionary Algorithms and Proof Assistants
  4. ca_ea.aip
         Paper: Artistic Image Processing with Cellular Automata and Evolutionary Algorithms
  5. pso.evac
         Paper: PSO-Based Evacuation Simulation Framework
  6. ASP OAI 2.0 Data Provider for Database
         A sample implementation of an OAI 2.0 data provider service for database only architecture. I had maintained this project until version 1.4 while I was working in the Grainger Engineering library of UIUC as a graduate assistant.
  7. ASP OAI 2.0 Data Provider for File/Database Hybrid
         A sample implementation of an OAI 2.0 data provider service for file system/database hybrid architecture. I had maintained this project until version 1.4 while I was working in the Grainger Engineering library of UIUC as a graduate assistant.
  8. ASP OAI 2.0 Data Provider for File System
         A sample implementation of an OAI 2.0 data provider service for file system. I had maintained this project until version 1.4 while I was working in the Grainger Engineering library of UIUC as a graduate assistant.
  9. ASP OAI 2.0 Static Repository Gateway
         A sample implementation of an OAI 2.0 static repository gateway. I had maintained this project until version 1.11 while I was working in the Grainger Engineering library of UIUC as a graduate assistant.
  10. OP-yc in C
         This project provides an implementation of a chatroom robot running as an operator for moderating a chatroom for bulletin board systems (BBS).
  11. OPycT in Expect Script
         OPycT is a robot written in "expect" mainly for keep the topic of the chat room from being changed by unauthorized people.

Curriculum Projects

  1. 大專校院資訊人才培育計畫---嵌入式軟體課程推廣計畫
  2. 大專校院資訊人才培育計畫---聯盟發展計畫
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Updated: March 28, 2022