
NYCU Glocal Digital Service & Innovation Competition

國際事務處為提高本地生與境外生國際交流機會,並增進學生與企業的友善連結互動,邀請LINE Corporation及HTC Deep Q共襄盛舉,舉辦首屆NYCU Glocal Digital Service & Innovation Competition,活動主題與健康醫療相關,參賽學生運用企業夥伴提供的工具進行創意發想,完成成果發表,優勝者有機會獲得獎金及企業實習機會。歡迎有興趣的同學(含本地生、境外生)踴躍組隊報名參加,活動資訊摘錄如下:

NYCU Glocal Digital Service & Innovation Competition


l   時間: 110.07.01(四)-07.03(六)

l   地點: 本校交大校區電子與資訊研究中心 (新竹市大學路1001號)

l   語言: 全程英文

l   內容: 包含演講、企業工作坊、黑客松競賽、成果發表、結業式與頒獎典禮

l   申請資格: 台聯大系統(陽明交大、中央、政大、清大)及臺灣大學系統(臺大、臺師大、臺科大)學、碩、博學生組隊參加。每隊4-5人且須包含1名以上境外生,至多10隊。

l   費用: 免費參加並提供午、晚餐、點心

l   報名方式: 點我報名 (即日起-5/30截止)

l   錄取公布日期: 6月中

l   主辦單位: 國際事務處

l   協辦企業: LINE、HTC Deep Q


(English Version)


The NYCU Glocal Design & Innovation Competition is a 3-day event aimed to inspire innovations in a post-pandemic world, with a focus on creating innovative digital and touchless services for promoting our health and well-being. Participants will be provided with tutorials, technical support, and mentors during the event.

Program Overview

  • July 1-July 3, 2021
  • Keynote Speech, Workshops & 32-hr Hackathon
  • Language: English
  • Venue: 1F, Meeting Room I, Microinfo Research Center, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Hsinchu Guangfu Campus)
  • Organizer: Office of International Affairs, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
  • Corporate Partners: LINE Corporation, HTC Deep Q

About the Competition

The NYCU Glocal Design & Innovation Competition is aimed to create an opportunity for participants to generate innovative ideas and solutions to health-related tasks. During the 32-hr hackathon, teams must incorporate Line Developer Tools offered by LINE Corporation to build their work. Mentors from LINE will provide on-site technical support. Each team will demonstrate and present their work in the closing ceremony.


Current students from the University System of Taiwan (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Central University, National Chengchi University, National Tsing Hua University) and the National Taiwan University System (National Taiwan University, National Taiwan Normal University and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology).

Important Deadline

  1. Application Deadline: 23:59, May 30, 2021 (GMT+8)
  2. Notification of Acceptance: June 14, 2021 (GMT+8)

How to Apply

Each team should register through the online application form (https://reurl.cc/8y8A6g) before 23:59 May 30, 2021.

Please refer to the Official Website for more details.