
6/5(三)Nutrition, Metabolism and Dynamics Study, 陳錦龍 教授/醫師(Department of Medical Informatics, Tzu Chi University)

6/5(三) 碩博論文研討—[多媒體與生醫工程]與[資訊系統與系統設計]聯合演講(英), 演講資料如下, 歡迎蒞臨

時 間:6月5日 星期三 13:20 ~ 15:10

地 點:工程四館027教室

演講者: 陳錦龍 教授/醫師 Department of Medical Informatics, Tzu Chi University

講   題:Nutrition, Metabolism and Dynamics Study

Nutrition is essential and important in maintaining life to all of us. The knowledge of basic nutrition will be introduced and reviewed. In addition, dietary guidelines will be suggested. The mechanism of the use of nutrition for energy will be discussed. Nutrition offers the fuel for metabolism, which is an important character of living organism. Basic concepts of metabolism and its regulation will be addressed. Living organism assumes steady state within its body. Despite this steady state, fluctuation exists in living organism. Investigation of the variation in physiological states leads to the study of dynamics in various physiological signals. Examples of dynamics study in physiological signals will be presented and discussed.

主持人:蕭子健 教授   范倫達 教授   林奕成 教授   蔡錫鈞 教授