
2013/03/13 (三)Ubitus cloud gaming technology—the deciding factor in accelerating the new paradigm shift in gaming,郭榮昌執行長(資訊工程研究所校友,優必達科技)

2013/03/13 (三) 碩博論文研討—資訊系統與系統設計(英), 演講資料如下, 歡迎蒞臨
時 間:3月13日 星期三 13:20 ~ 15:10
地 點:工程四館117教室
講  題:Ubitus cloud gaming technology—the deciding factor in accelerating the new paradigm shift in gaming
摘  要:
1. A look back of video game industry of Taiwan against South Korea 2. The new way out: Ubitus cloud gaming technology widely adopted by global top-tier carriers and electronics companies as the next generation gaming service, including a grand slam in South Korea 3. How Ubitus accelerates the new paradigm shift in gaming: its innovation in cloud gaming technology 4. How Ubitus enables cloud gaming ecosystem as a sustainable reality:
its business model