
10/4(四) 15:30-16:30 李建業博士演講:Mobile Communications and My Involvement Since 1964

講題:Mobile Communications and My Involvement Since 1964

演講者:李建業 博士,Honorary Dean of School of Advanced Communications, Peking University.

主持人:資訊學院 曾煜棋 院長

時間:10月4日(星期四) 15:30-16:30  開放入場時間:15:10


李建業 博士 為國家級院士、無線通訊領域世界級學者,他開創美國貝爾試驗室下的移動無線電通信研究室,兼任美國電氣與電子工程師學會會員(IEEE Fellow)、多所機構理事會理事,其中包括加州科技理事會(California State Council on Science and Technology)美國競爭力委員會(US Council on Competitiveness)以及美國聯邦通信委員會技術顧問委員會(FCC Technical Advisory Council)。他因開發了商 用的AMPS和CDMA技 術而享譽 國際,並為蜂窩通信領域作出了巨大的貢獻。




1) How I could be the one of pioneers in developing mobile communications sytems.
2) What were the good occurrences in developing the systems.
3) What were the worse occurrences in developng the systems.
4) US has regreted that the best research institute, Bell Labs was destroyed by the government.
5) Sometime IPR issues will slow down the progress and result in a system with compromised technology.
6) Many politicial disputes damaged the system performances.

