
12/19 (三) 碩博論文研討—網路工程演講

時 間:1219 星期三 14:20 ~ 15:10

地 點:Engineering Building 4, Rm. EDB27 (工程四館地下室027 )

Dr. De-Nian Yang , Assistant Research Fellow, IIS, Academia Sinica

               (中研院資訊所助理研究員 楊得年博士)

講 題:Optimization on Mobile Networks and Social Networks


De-Nian Yang is an associate research fellow in Institute of Information Science and Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica. His research interests include mobile multimedia networking and social networks. For mobile multimedia networking, the research results include new approximation algorithms for mobile routing applications, new mobile video streaming frameworks, and various algorithms on multicast and network coding. For social networks, the research spans social query and privacy preserving. His research results have been published in ACM, KDD, VLDB, CIKM, CHI, and IEEE INFOCOM, ICNP, TMM, TMC, TKDE, TPDS, and TVT. He is now an associate editor of Elsevier Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation and serves as TPC members of many IEEE conferences. He received the Best Student Paper Award from IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (IEEE ICME), Emerging Technology Award from ACM SIGGRAPH Asia, Career Development Award in Academia Sinica, Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators from NSC, and Research Exploration Award from Pan Wen Yuan Foundation. He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACM.




With the rapid advance of mobile communications and computing technologies, mobile devices now serve as the universal platform of intelligent mobile networking and computing. In this talk, we will first introduce network coding for mobile caching. In contrast to most network coding literature relying on multicast/broadcast, our approach seamless integrates network coding in the current mobile client/server architecture and requires no modification on the existing wireless/wireline network infrastructure. Afterward, we will introduce a new collaborative search framework with mobile devices for disaster rescue and patrol, which still mostly rely on manual coordination nowadays. A 3-approximation algorithm will be present to search an area with the minimum time, together with a distributed algorithm to properly handle dynamic load balancing after the search starts. Finally, we will introduce group formation in social networks. Social, spatial, and temporal dimensions are jointly explored to find the optimal group for automatic activity planning, while implementation on Facebook and Google Maps will also be presented.


主持人:林寶樹 教授