
12/19 (三) 碩博論文研討—資訊系統與系統設計(英)演講

講    題:Smart Handheld Devices and Cloud Applications 

演講者:吳誠文博士 (工研院資通所所長) 


時 間:12月19日 星期三 13:20 ~ 15:10


地 點:工程四館 117 教室


摘    要:


    In this talk I will first introduce the facts and trends of smart handheld devices and cloud applications/services. Under the new user-centric and service-oriented prospective, Taiwan needs to enhance cloud applications/services and flexible business models (e.g., web-based marketplace, social networking, etc.) in order to strengthen our industrial value chain and improve our ICT ecosystem. At ITRI we have been devoting ourselves to ICT technology research and development for decades. In my talk, I will also highlight some of ITRI’s latest R&D projects and achievements related to smart handheld devices and cloud applications.

