
Profet AI 杰倫智能 2023 Internship Program 開跑囉!

Profet AI 杰倫智能 2023 Internship Program 開跑囉!


對 AI 應用充滿好奇,想一探究竟 AI 產業嗎?

Profet AI 為期六個月的實習計畫,讓你深入探索 AI 領域!

完善的 Mentor 制度,逐步帶領你提升對 AI 的應用能力 💪

對成為 Global 人才充滿企圖心的你,別錯過與全球接軌的機會,與我們一起深入日本、東南亞、大陸與歐美市場!

🔥 此次計畫釋出多樣職缺 🔥

  • 行銷業務實習生 Demand Generation Intern - TW/SEA/CHINA

  • AI 產業分析實習生 Research Intern (Analyst Optics, CTO Office)

  • 行銷實習生 Marketing Intern

  • 業務實習生 Sales Intern

  • AI 應用驗證實習生 Customer Success Coordination intern

  • AI機器學習技術研發實習生 Data Scientist Intern

  • 網頁前端技術研發實習生 Front-end Engineering Intern

  • Python後端技術研發實習生 Back-end Engineering Intern

  • AI 系統導入實習生 AI System Deployment Intern







📣 Profet AI 2023 Internship Program: Applications Are Now Open!


Curious about the AI industry? Wondering what sort of AI applications are out there? Profet AI’s 6-month internship program invites you to hop on the journey of AI.

Thorough detailed mentorship program, Profet AI will elevate your skills in AI applications among many others.

Join us now!😎