Fine Granularity Image Pyramid Generator Circuit with 24 Resolution Levels

  Image pyramid generator is an important component for many computer vision applications. Most pyramid generators only produce few levels of down-sampled output images from an input image. In this paper, we present the design of an image pyramid generator optimized for FPGAs that can create a pyramid of up to 24 levels of down-sampled resolutions from the input image, with the scaling factors ranging from 8/32 to 31/32. Since image pyramid processing is essential to many coarse-to-fine solutions of computer vision problems, an image pyramid with more resolution levels can potentially lead to better accuracy for estimation/recognition problems. Furthermore, the down-sampling filters used in the proposed design is based on the Sine-windowed Sinc function filter. Therefore, it preserves more image details than popular low complexity filters such as the bilinear or bicubic interpolation filters. To maintain application flexibility, a HW-SW codesigned approach is adopted so that the granularity levels can be chosen flexibly. The proposed circuit is verified on an FPGA development board with a Xilinx Kintex-7 device. The experimental results show that the design is very promising for real-time computer vision applications.


Souce code:
      The source code of the image pyramid generator, including the top-level controller software in C and the AXI4 master accelerator in Verilog will be available in this page when the paper review process is finished. For now, you can download the source code of the C model we used to implement the circuits here: the C model of the 24-level image pyramid generator.

      The HW-SW system is developped using Xilinx Vivado, and the source code of the entire project workspace for the Xilinx KC-705 FPGA platform will be release under the Apache License 2.0. (Sep. 16, 2019)